The UN, WHO, and WEF are preparing the world, as if they were tilling the ground, for the New World Health Order coming to you this May.  Do not misunderstand, this has been in the works for a very long time, officially since 2005.  This past week saw sweeping changes.

Biden Administration Announces Global Health Security Partnership with 50 Countries as Pandemic Accord Flails

Biden is leveraging himself as the “Savior” for the next pandemic and this New World Health Order.

This new strategy was codified on October 15, 2016 by Health and Human Services.  It was 88-pages and contained definitions and protocol for coming pandemics.  It is an official regulation and is the law of the land.  For case studies, they used coronvirus and Ebola.

The ASAP Framework: A New Tool for Regulatory Agencies to Facilitate Adoption of Pandemic Approaches
Health Security

All of President Trump’s EO’s for COVID have been rescinded.  Biden will now pen new EO’s lock-step with the UN and WHO.

Executive Orders on COVID-19 Pandemic Rescinded
Federal+— Register

There is new terminology for the coming pandemics.  The nutshell version is extremely illuminating:

All particles will be considered INFECTIVE.  Consider the ramifications of this statement.  Yikes, think of those dust bunnies under your bed!

No longer will we consider the SIZE of the particle.  It will be forbidden to discuss whether it is atomic, dust, bacteria, “virus”, fungal, drop, or wad of mucous.

No longer will we be able in free-society to discuss the ORIGIN of the particle.  Is it human, animal, plant, bacterial, “viral”, fungal, synthetic biology, technological, geoengineered, extinct animated life, or even alien.

Let us deep dive: 

Global Health Groups Propose New Terminology for Pathogens That Spread Through the Air

A New Global Health Security Strategy

Well into the COVID-19 pandemic, WHO and the CDC were reluctant to use terms like “airborne,” “airborne transmission,” and “aerosol transmission” to describe the spread of the virus through the air, while other experts used various definitions to describe the phenomenon, sowing confusion about how the disease was circulating.

A new report proposes NEW UMBRELLA TERMINOLOGY for pathogens that transmit “through the air,” which include not only SARS-CoV-2, but also influenza, measles, MERS-CoV, SARS, and tuberculosis. Source:  CIDRAP, WHO.  You must understand that this new terminology is a Living Document.  It can change in as little as ever 48-hours.  This semantic shell game has been going on for decades. 

Through the Air & The Pandemic X

What do think of when you hear the words, “through the air”?  I think of electromagnetic radiation (EMF), like WiFi.  The next pandemic will be, according to government and military sources, a hemorrhagic event.

It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s AIRBORNE

During the last pandemic, the terms ‘airborne’, ‘airborne transmission’, ‘droplets’ and ‘aerosols’ were used in different ways, by different stakeholders, which contributed to confusion in communicating how this pathogen was transmitted to populations via air. A lack of consensus on what exactly is meant by ‘airborne’, ‘airborne transmission’ necessitated better alignment of these terms across disciplines, agencies and pathogens.  

From a Emergency Management perspective this does make sense because during one activation two Emergency Operation Centers had the same name caused confusion and cost time to rectify, resulting in loss of life and property.  There does need to be a set definition of terms but NOT consensus, but we will get into that later.

In 2021, the WHO convened to determine the term ‘airborne transmission’, which included differences in particle sizes, duration in the air, distance travelled, method of dispersal and other properties.

The key objectives of this global technical consultation process were:

  • Particle
  • Various Transmissions

The aim of the consultation was to:

The scope of what TYPE of pathogens were covered in this consultation and the resulting DESCRIPTORS used in this document are as follows:

Did you catch the airborne DRIFT of this?  Here is what it easily looks like so far:

IRPs exist on a continuous spectrum of sizes, and NO single cut off points should be applied to distinguish smaller from larger particles  Translated this means particle sizze will no longer be allowed in any discussion. The group decided that this allowed discussions to move away from the dichotomy of previous terms such as ‘aerosols’ (geo-engineering and such-and military technological experimentation using generally smaller particles distinguishing them from ‘droplets’ that are generally larger particles.  But no matter, we are just not going to talk about size any longer.

The “consensus” group also discussed many environmental factors that influence the way IRPs travel through air, such as ambient air temperature, velocity, humidity, sunlight (ultraviolet radiation), airflow distribution within a space, and many other factors, and whether they retain viability and infectivity upon reaching other individuals.  The consensus group can talk about environmental factors but the media and average person must carte blache accept the “trusted sources.”  I am sure that you can see where this is going.

“Transmission Through the Air” Descriptor

The modes of transmission follow classic epidemiological principles and refer to how an infectious agent, which CAN BE pathogenic (but oftentimes is not), can be transferred to another”


The descriptor ‘through the air’ can be used in a general way to characterize an infectious disease where the main mode of transmission involves the pathogen TRAVELLING THROUGH or BEING SUSPENDED in the air. This has similarity with other public health descriptors of infectious diseases, such as ‘waterborne’ and ‘bloodborne’, that refer to the main medium through which a specific disease is transmitted.

Hierarchy of Control to Combat “Through the Air” Transmission

PUBLIC HEALTH and SOCIAL MEASURES coming SOON will include draconian implementation of multiple approaches:

All these measures are influenced by an understanding of how, where and when transmission of a pathogen occurs.

Implementation of the above measures will use a ‘HEIRACHY OF CONTROLS’ approach.  Notice that ‘s’ in control meaning there will be multiple controls or a layer upon layer of control system managed by AI.

Modes of Transmission

The mode of transmission includes the formation, release, transport and biophysical/biochemical changes to IRPs that occur when they move away from an infectious individual and travel towards another individual. In addition, IRPs may directly deposit on the:

Novel Geometry Interaction with Particles

The following statement may disrupt your theological belief system but I can assure you it is happening.  Maybe you thought you would not be here, maybe you thought you would see it come to pass.  Even for those of us of firm faith it is not unfolding the way we envisioned it.

We have been seeing, ever so slightly, a power transfer between the dragon in Revelation 13 and the beast of blasphemy.  In May, we will see a significant fulfillment of the transfer of power from the dragon (of old) to the beast.

And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. V2

As we hold this thought let us return to novel geometry and quantum physics. 

Particle physics involves the understanding surrounding the smallest particles of matter and their interactions. These interactions are expressed in terms of fundamental forces.

In recent years, researchers have been exploring how particle geometry can influence interactions with cells, such as macrophages. Particles are being used to implemented in weaponized drug delivery systems.

Particle Physics is the study of the fundamental constituents of matter (particles) and their interactions and forces. Elementary particles include quarks, leptons, gluons, photons, Z and W bosons, and the Higgs boson.

Particle Geometry exploits the shape and structure of particles to affect their interactions and forces with cells. For instance, elongated, micro- and nanoparticles have been shown to reduce particle uptake into macrophages, compared to spherical particles.

PEGylation: Is a technique used to modify the surface of particles with polyethylene glycol (PEG) HYDROGEL chains. This can reduces particle uptake into macrophages thereby INCREASING the circulation time of these synthetic drug delivery systems in any original design system whether it is mankind, animal, plant, or microorganism.

Quantum Effect of Novel Geometry is Changing Space and Time

You and I, my friends, are living at a time spoken of by the Prophet Daniel.

Daniel 10:14: “Now I must inform you what shall be at the end of those days. For behold, there shall arise another king, who shall be different from the former ones, and shall subdue three kings. He shall speak words against the Most High and shall wear out the saints of the Most High, and he shall think that he can change the times and the seasons; he shall speak words against the Most High.”

The Crown Jewel

The Crown Jewel at the Heart of Quantum Physics is the recent discovery that the geometric particle has the incredible power and interaction to change space and time, as well as our reality. 

We are seeing Daniel 10 being fulfilled before our very eyes. In summary, novel geometry interactions with particles can influence  behavior and interactions with cells, such as macrophages.  This research is in its nascent stage and we will surely, unless we see Divine intervention, new insights into the fundamental nature of particles and their interactions.

The consensus for action for all of the above was reached by self-appointed rich men of the earth. 

Tyranny by Transmission 

Despite many hurdles and a time-crunch, a consensus of the overarching terminology of ‘transmission through the air’ with sub-categories of ‘airborne transmission” and ‘direct deposition’.

During the infectious stage of the disease, an infected person can generate particles containing the pathogen, along with water and respiratory secretions. Such particles are here described as ‘infectious respiratory particles’ or IRPs.

These IRPs are then carried by expired airflow, exit the infectious person’s mouth and/or nose.

We may well see SEVERE RESTRICTIONS in the days to come on the following:

And you thought COVID restrictions were bad! CO2 is released into the air when you do any of these “activities,” and it is considered a “pollutant” and “damaging the planet.”  There will be taxes levied against these “activities” and a “usage” fee.  According to a legal precedent, you may also be fined or sued for transmitting the patented Intellectual Property material to others.

The IRPs exist in a wide range of sizes and travel in the air in a turbulent puff cloud (exhaled mixture of gases from the lungs and respiratory particles). The IRPs are carried by the puff cloud and remain concentrated until the cloud reduces sufficiently in momentum to enable IRP dispersal.

Wicked Semantics

We must consider the wicked semantics in the following:

Host: Immune status of the host, including prior infection, vaccination, status of an individual’s innate, cellular and humoral immunity;

The term “host” comes from the Latin “hostia,” meaning “sacrifice” or “victim.”

Pathogen characteristics: Todays pathogens and particles were designed to remain infective after suspension in the air and the dose-infection relationship for the pathogen after it deposits on a surface in the host’s respiratory tract.

As you see above in the NASA Strategic Warfare Document Warfare 2025 this is referred to as a “pathological mission”.

Particle Size

Particle size: IRPs are formed with a continuous spectrum of aerodynamic sizes, and no single cut off points should be applied to distinguish smaller from larger particles. In this way you can not distinguish between Planck, atom, nano, bacteria, fungus, drop. This eliminates the discussion of particle ORIGIN.

Small particles are known as ‘aerosols’.  Droplets are generally larger particles. There are usually more small  particles than large which are the more pure of natural particles. 

Call to Pray and Fast

Be not afraid.  Fear will only harm you in many ways.  Instead, refuse their definitions and their mandates.  I bring this news to you not to make you tremble but so that you know how to pray.  Right now it does not cost you but in the future it will. 

Why does it matter that your refuse their mandates? 

All original design biological life is on the line, destined for annihilation.  We need to come together and pray and fast that God makes a way through His law for us to survive.