From The Desk of Celeste Solum
December 08, 2024
The Miss Zippy Report
This is Miss Zippy, your trusted news hound bringing you news on the final COVID report from the government. It was a stunning 557 pages, not as comprehensive as mom’s coverage and they get the big bucks, but I digress.
Here are some highlights:
COVID was novel. That means it was never before seen in nature and indicates that it was made in a lab, kind of like you make shake and bake chicken in your kitchen-not a conspiracy theory. No huh!
The government is going to make a “Roadmap” to respond, prepare, and possibly prepare for future pandemics. Yea, for us.
This “roadmap” will be a unified global system so watch out you dogs that value your privacy. The old-world system is on the table to slice and dice and you are to sacrifice for peace and security. This Roadmap should get your paws moving in the other direction.
Certain physicians and corporations should never again receive government money except if you are Big Pharma then you are exempt and rolling in “green’ bucks that is and you qualify to be in the UN SDG “Green” club.
Scientific messaging must be clear and concise with evidence. Well I do not want to burst your bubble but this messaging is highly politicized, subliminal warfare, and evidence is manipulated depending which side of the fence you are on, agenda-wise.
Public health must work to regain public trust. The American people are to be educated not indoctrinated. Well, I am not holding my puppy breath on this one.
Government officials engaged in medical malpractice on the number of people who died. Will they be prosecuted? Nah, these are the establishment darlings, they will not even get a slap on the paw. Even my mom, who is a marshmallow, is a firmer disciplinarian than this.
Yes, the NIH did engage in dual-purpose research at Wuhan. Again, no duh! The big question is what will they do to stop this two-edged sword?
The governments of the world conspired to withhold details on COVID. Imagine that! Where are the Nuremburg Trials on this? A global conspiracy! Where are the apologies and compensation for damages and for all the front-liners exposing the truth?
For all of you light news fans, cover your eyes now! Operation Warp Speed was heralded as a great success saving lives around the world. It brought us into the Era of Vaccination’s for everything. All life is now to be vaccinated for everything that the UN deems a threat or risk. The agenda says 20,000 vaccines per human or animals. Why will you be nothing more than a chemical cocktail. Where are vaccinations in the Bible anyhow?
Surprise, surprise, surprise…there was RAMPANT fraud and waste during COVID. The rich got richer, and the poor got poorer. It makes me shed a puppy tear for though they acknowledge this nothing will be done as they prepare for the next pandemic.
Pandemic Era school closure ushered in a new model for remote education. Is that like Remote Viewing? Food for thought.
Ouuu, the next one hit mom below the belt….the Constitution cannot be suspended in times of crisis or restrictions on freedoms because that undermines Public Health. Well, as of September 22nd the UN took over the world declaring itself as “representative” of earth. Signatory Countries Constitutions were dissolved as they became UN vassals. So, in the eyes of people making this Roadmap there are no country Constitutions as pathogens no know boundaries. Not to mention there many regulations suspending the Constitution and freedom that have been embedded into US Public Law by these, well I was going to say dogs, but I cannot demean mans best friends, so scoundrels will have to do.
They freely admit they caused man and beast anguish, but there are NO consequences, and so the next time there will be anguish but they will deal with it through advanced Psychological Warfare to manage it.
The last bulletin is that the leadership of the world lost the trust of the people (and beasts as far as I am concerned). They want to regain your trust, and here is the clincher, “for future generations”. Yes. Integration of the UN Pact of the Future is featured. So do not hold your breath on accountability, firings, prosecutions, and the death penalty for those actors who killed so many. To them is was just a Lessons Learned” exercise as they prepare the new Roadmap lockstep with the UN for the next pandemic.

Until Next Time….
Miss Zippy…Out

If you think all is normal, move along…. For those of you who know we are at war on various levels, read on.
40+ countries develop military robots with some level of autonomy. Vulnerable:
Cyber/EM disruption, power systems, ethics without man in the loop/transfer of responsibility to machines.
Formats: Unmanned/Autonomous; ground/air/subsurface/sea systems.
“Legged” locomotion and robotic dexterity.
It’s Not Too Late to Regulate Persuasive Technologies
Prominent Chinese tech companies are developing and deploying powerful persuasive tools to work for the Chinese Communist Party’s propaganda, military and public security services—and many of them have already become global leaders in their fields. TikTok is only the tip of the iceberg.
Social media companies such as TikTok have already revolutionized the use of technologies that maximize user engagement. At the heart of TikTok’s success are a predictive algorithm and other extremely addictive design features—or what we call ‘persuasive technologies’.
But TikTok is only the tip of the iceberg.
LINK: https://www.aspistrategist.org.au/its-not-too-late-to-regulate-persuasive-technologies/
Kansas animal health commissioner says H5N1 vaccine getting closer
November 22, 2024 By Brandon Peoples Filed Under: Animal Health, Beef, Cattle, Kansas, Livestock, News

The animal health commissioner for the Kansas Department of Agriculture says a vaccine could be available soon to guard against H5N1 in dairy cattle.
Justin Smith tells Brownfield…
“It’s not available yet, it’s efficacy hasn’t been proven, but we’re on the way,” he says.
Four cases of H5N1 were confirmed in Kansas herds earlier this year, but he says the state hasn’t had any additional cases since.
U.S. animal agriculture contributing to all 17 U.N. Sustainable Development Goals

Niantic Is Training a Giant ‘Geospatial’ AI
on Pokémon Go Data

If you want to see what’s next in AI, just follow the data. ChatGPT and DALL-E trained on troves of internet data. Generative AI is making inroads in biotechnology and robotics thanks to existing or newly assembled datasets. One way to glance ahead, then, is to ask: What colossal datasets are still ripe for the…
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Earth Changes
Antarctica Has Gotten 10 Times Greener in 35 Years

Space Weather

A MASSIVE THUNDERSTORM ON JUPITER: This week, Jupiter is at its closest to Earth–an event called “opposition.” It’s a great time to see a massive thunderstorm brewing on the giant planet. The storm is circled in this image from Austrian photographer Michael Karrer:
Karrer’s photo, captured with an 8-inch Celestron telescope, captured two white swirls breaking through Jupiter’s brown South Equatorial Belt (SEB). “These are giant thunderstorms,” explains John Rogers of the British Astronomical Association. “The last time we saw storms like this was 8 years ago in 2016-17.” This week, Jupiter is at its closest to Earth–an event called “opposition.” It’s a great time to see a massive thunderstorm brewing on the giant planet. The storm is circled in this image from Austrian photographer Michael Karrer:
LINK (SCROLL DOWN) https://www.spaceweather.com/archive.php?view=1&day=04&month=12&year=2024
Weather Story
A Man Noticed a Strange Shape on the Ground on Google Earth. It Turned Out to Be the Mark of an Undetected Tornado

Geoscientists in Australia suggest a strong tornado swept across the Nullarbor Plain in November 2022 and made the 6.8-mile-long scar on the landscape—without anyone noticing
Young Girl Discovers Egyptian Scarab
New Kingdom scarab discovered during family walk

The Egyptian scarab. Courtesy Emil Aladjem, IAA.
(From Celeste: If you have not heard my scarab story yet, I hope to record it. The story heralds back to Egypt and impacts us today, believe it or not.)
While walking with her family at Tel Qana near Tel Aviv, a young girl made a fantastic find: a small stone in the shape of a dung beetle with a carving of two scorpions on the bottom. After the family brought it to an archaeologist with the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA), it was determined that the object was an Egyptian scarab dating to around 1500 BCE, during the New Kingdom period.
When 170 Wild Monkeys Escaped From a ‘Jungle Camp’
and Terrorized New York

In 1935, dozens of rhesus macaques absconded from Frank Buck’s Long Island menagerie. Nearly a century later, 43 members of the same species broke out of a South Carolina research facility.
Health and Medical
The Next Frontier in Nutrition:
How Plants Could Soon Produce Animal-Based Nutrients
ACS Axial
November 15, 2024

It is estimated that moving to plant-based diets could reduce food-related land use by 76%; cut greenhouse gas emissions, eutrophication, and water use; and provide substantial health benefits. Health concerns around plant-based diets often cite low protein intake as a barrier, but diets high in fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, nuts, fish, and unsaturated vegetable oils—and low in animal products, refined grains, and added sugars—have been shown to be good for our health and our life expectancy.1 But to be fair, there is a significant divergence between plants and animals in the biosynthesis of certain amino acid derivatives, and this can represent a nutritional challenge for some essential substances such as creatine, carnosine, and taurine, which are synthesized exclusively by animals. We need these for diverse functions such as muscle strength, protection against oxidative stress, nerve function endocrine health, and immunity—and insufficient intake can lead to health problems. Consequently, vegetarians often rely on nutritional supplements. Nutritional supplements are also useful in other scenarios, such as when people are suffering from muscle atrophy or weakness, or affected by diseases such as cancer. This includes new compounds that go beyond simple amino acids and appear capable of mimicking the physical boost of working out.
Link: Read the Full Research Article
Could (Farmed SynBio) Fish Guts
Be the Next “It” Skincare Ingredient?

How far would you go for that perfect glow? New research unmasks the cosmetic potential of metabolites from two novel bacteria residing in seabream guts.
The skincare industry has found uses for some pretty strange ingredients. Your facial routine might already be harnessing snail slime—used for its moisturizing and antioxidant properties—and that favorite red lipstick could get its color from crushed beetle shells.
Products have also been known to contain placenta, bee venom, and various avian fluids, among other unconventional animal ingredients that many consumers swear by.
With this in mind, researchers working at Sungkyunkwan University in the Republic of Korea have perhaps not gone too far out on a limb in investigating possible uses for compounds derived from some bacteria that live in fish guts.

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disease that causes memory loss and progressive and permanent deterioration of cognitive function.
LINK: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsnano.4c11966
Jesus in the Synagogue

All four of the Canonical Gospels situate Jesus’s ministry within synagogues. According to Mark 1:39, Jesus “went throughout Galilee, proclaiming the message in their synagogues and casting out demons.” Matthew 4:23 and Luke 4:14-15 similarly set Jesus’s Galilean teaching activity within synagogues, and Luke 4:43-44 places Jesus’s proclamation of the Kingdom of God within the synagogues of Judea. Finally, in John 18:20, Jesus states that he has “always taught in synagogues and in the temple, where all the Jews come together.”
LINK: https://www.biblicalarchaeology.org/magazine/jesus-in-the-synagogue/