• The sun, coming at us from solar flares and coronal hole streams
  • The galactic electric current sheet originating at the heart of our galaxy and has reached earth causing a wake of destruction as it tore through our nearest stars and solar system.
  • Our planetary current sheet.
  • Reduction of our magnetosphere which is our barrier to keep things like cosmic ray radiation out.  We have lost about 25% and there are indications that our wandering magnetic poles just did a jerk plunging us downward towards 5% of less of an earth magnetic field.  The last time earth endured this 90% of all lie upon the face of the earth went extinct.  We have entered the 6th Extinction Level Event.

3-Day Space Weather Forecast 

NOAA Government Space Weather Portal

Space Weather FEMA

FEMA Space Weather Training Course

Answers to FEMA Training Course Questions

Space Weather. gov

FEMA Space Weather PDF

DHS Document Protecting-and-Preparing-Homeland-Against-Threats-Electromagnetic-Pulse-and-Geomagnetic

Government Safety and Space

Government:  Space Storm Types

NOAA Space Weather Scales

NOAA Space Weather Impacts

NOAA Space Weather Glossary


Celeste Solum is a broadcaster, author, former government, organic farmer and is trained in nursing and environmental medicine.  Celeste chronicles the space and earth conditions that trigger the rise and fall of modern & ancient civilizations, calendars, and volatile economies. Cycles are converging, all pointing to a cataclysmic period between 2020 to 2050 in what many scientists believe is an Extinction Level Event.   

Tracking goods and people will be a part of managing the population during this convergence. 

  • Backstories on tracking
  • Technologies 
  • Infrastructure 
  • Diseases, Testing, Vaccinations, and Sensors (including nCov and the new Phytophthora ~the plant-destroyer 
  • Experiences 




GenSixKeynote Speaker, True Legends, Ancient Cataclysms & Coming Catastrophes 



Electromagnetic Radiation Protection Solutions  

7- Thunders Revealed 

Inspirational Homestead Recipes 

Videos: Celestial Report, Special Broadcasts, Breaking News by Subscription