The Layered Military Gateway Portal-Module 2 War & Blasphemy Operational Now




The Layered Military Gateway Portal Module 2 – War & Blasphemy Operational Now March 6, 2025

Registration Will Close on March 3, 2025

It is NOT necessary for Subscribers to purchase tickets. Subscribers are automatically enrolled in all webinars.

This series will be about transcending to other dimensions utilizing multilayered implementation of various classified and unclassified Intelligence and Military Programs to shatter space and time using neuroscience, quantum physics, and your brain.

I will drill down on how they will achieve this goal.  It is written in scripture.

-What does this mean to your biology?
-What does this mean to your brain and ability to think?
-Journey with me as we explore the NextGen technologies to merge mankind with machine.
-What part does the spiritual war between God and Satan play? One begins this process by using hypnosis, transcendental meditation, and biofeedback. –Is the Stargate Project a Cult?
-Learn about the Devious Plans to Win Hearts and Minds Through Using Frequency
-Discover the Two Sides of Consciousness Warfare
-Diving Deeper into Generated Worlds and Realities
-Changing Mankind to Communicate and Host Other Entities
-Normalizing the Occult

And More…


You will receive immediate confirmation once a ticket is purchased. On March 5th you will be sent an email from WEBEX Message giving the direct link to the Webinar.


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