Join Celeste & John Cooper As They Discuss Current Events and the
Transhumanist Agenda
From John Cooper: Celeste Solum – a former FEMA insider, reveals decades-long plans to genetically modify all life, leading to invasive “syn bio” – synthetic biology platforms integrated into our food, air, and bodies, including the Cvid vx.
This serves a sinister transhumanist agenda to digitize and control the populace, demonstrated by Celeste’s experiences of being targeted by advanced directed energy weapons and frequency-based attacks, potentially automated by AI.
The discussion explores the dark occult practices and interdimensional entities involved, including the use of smart dust and black goo/hydrogel to manipulate human biology and consciousness.
Yet, Celeste emphasizes the power of the human spirit, positive mindset, and collective action to overcome this dystopian challenge facing humanity, drawing on her insider knowledge from her time working for the government – a battle for the very soul of humanity itself.
Celeste’s Books:
Electromagnetic Radiation Protection Solutions: https://amzn.to/4gK9slS
Inspirational Homestead Recipes: https://amzn.to/49T3NYn
The 7 Thunders Revealed: https://amzn.to/3P76hZI
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As a Bible-believing law school grad from a well-known family with a complaint before the United States Supreme Court re official corruption being widely enabled by the various states through misapplication of sovereign immunity and as a combat veteran, [ part of the DOD’s 1.5% ] I want to openly thank you for your incredible courage and integrity , which benefits all of us, and I want to tell you that I am praying for your protection.
My humble thanks. It is my honor aand calling to do this. May your family find favor in our court system. Be blessed in these days and times.
May God’s kingdom reign in power and glory forever & may battle-tested soldiers like Celeste, who have proven themselves in this supernatural war between good and evil for the souls of mankind be honored in this life and in the next.
Please keep me in prayer for the battle intensifies. The glory belongs solely and always to the Lord!