The Miss Zippy Report
Before I muse the news, I would like to take a moment to bless you each with a Happy New Year. Both mom and I are very concerned about what will transpire this year but we both know that God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit have this and that because we are all God’s handiwork, he orders our steps and has each of us in His hands. Be of good cheer this 2025 because you are here for His calling for your life. And now onto the news that breaches 2024 with 2025.

Proteins are biology’s molecular powerhouse machines whether you are mankind, animal, or plant. They are the worker bees or working dogs, in my humble opinion, of organic life providing:
Messengers that transmit signals throughout the body
Structure and support for the physical body, cells, and organs.
Enzymes enabling energy, molecular synthesis, and degrading toxins. Did you know that 90% of reactions in the body would not occur without enzymes?
Hormones: Regulate various physiological processes, such as growth and development, metabolism, and reproductive functions.
Building blocks: Serve as the foundation for the processing of biomolecules, including carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids.
Immune system: Proteins, such as antibodies, help protect the body against pathogens and disease.
Cell division and growth: Proteins are involved in the regulation of cell division and growth.
Maintenance of fluid balance: Proteins help regulate the balance of fluids between blood vessels and surrounding tissues.
Energy production: While proteins do not directly provide energy, they play a crucial role in the breakdown and synthesis of energy-rich molecules.
Regulation of gene expression, which us your RNA. RNA is so powerful that it can compensate for any genetic hiccups that you might have.
In a word, proteins are crucial to our survival. When they work, we’re healthy. When they don’t, we aren’t.
Due to the insane post-biological revolution where a few nut jobs want to morph all life into robotic machines, these whackos are designing entirely new proteins from scratch, mediated by AI.
2024 was another winning year for AI protein design setting the stage for what we shall see come to pass in 2025.

Earlier this year, Dr. Mengele’s scientists expanded AI’s interference with proteins binding to biomolecules, such as DNA and RNA. AI is engineering our molecules to regulate their shape and function!

Mind you, even the smallest atom in your body has purpose and these Atomic Terrorists have flipped the switch to destroy life. The study enlarged RoseTTAFold, a popular AI tool for protein design, so that it could map out complex protein-based molecular machines at the atomic level.
This, in turn, paved the way for more sophisticated “therapies” which is a technological term for TRANShumanism, TRANSAnimal, and TRANSPlant.
Now we know why the word TRANS was so in our face for the last four years. All biological life is being digitized and forced into a synthetic virtual twin or silicon body.

I am just a young pup, not even a twinkle in my mom’s eye, but mom remembers the Golden Age of Deep Throat Porn back in 1972.
Today we have DeepMind AlphaFold3 Porn using a perverted AI model that predicts protein interactions with molecules. The result will be a flood of innovations, therapeutics, and insights into biological processes. Quite simply, it is Porn Trash which is an affront to God and His Original Design.
Did you know that protein design went flexible this year? AI models generated “effector” proteins that could shape-shift in the presence of a molecular switch. Excuse me! Shapeshifting comes from the dark demonic realm of fallen angels not some Nobel winning Porn Tech Trash.

In laymen’s terms this shapeshifting generated a flip-flop structure that altered their biological impact on cells.
Now you know why your body is not aging gracefully and has a plethora of afflictions that supposedly technology can help with. A subset of these mutant arrangements include cage-like structures, that could encapsulate and deliver medicines into your body.

I can tell you right now that I am not a cage advocate. Cage-free is my battle cry under the banner of Original Design!
These aberrations are novel which means that they do not occur in nature. No-duh! Sadly, these AI-designed proteins REPLACE our original parts.
Complicating matter, DARPA’s RBC-Factory program aims to create a platform to modify human (or dog) red blood cells (RBC) to include additional biologically active components that protect warfighters (I wonder if that includes the Dogs of War?) and allow them to operate more effectively in extreme or threat environments. Specifically, modified RBCs (mRBC) will be endowed with additional peptides, proteins, or pigments. These are synthetic and oftentimes have robotic components.

It only gets more alarming as we dig in like a dog digging for a bone. Remember Obama’s DREAMERS? Oy! In 2024, we have a program called One that uses AI to DREAM UP (which is techno-speak for hallucinate) a universe of CRISPR gene editors.
It is claimed that language models gave BIRTH to ChatGPT. If anthropomorphism is attributing human qualities to things such as cats or birds, what is it when Techno Terrorists attribute Original Design functions such as birth to inanimate objects such as ChatGPT?
Here we go again with another demonic shapeshifting AI designed circle-shaped proteins that turned stem cells into different blood vessel cell types.
Other AI-generated proteins directed protein “junk” into the lysosome, a waste treatment blob filled with acid inside cells that keeps them neat and tidy. Honestly, God keeps my body humming just fine without the new circular economy or green waste treatment blob. Honestly, this sounds like a 1950’s movie like the Creature from the Dark Lagoon.
The nightmare continues outside of medicine as AI designed mineral-forming proteins integrate into aquatic microbes soaking up excess carbon, transforming it into limestone as a climate change carbon sink. This is judgment from God! Remember when Lot’s wife looked back on Sodom and Gomorrah? She turned into a pillar of salt! Limestone- salt, tomato- tamato. Judgement is judgment even if the Techno Terrorists don’t see it.

Mom wrote an article in 2021 on this topic, Why I Hate HUMAN PETRIFICATION 2.0 FROM NANO ENTITIES,
It seems imagination is the only limit to AI-based protein design. In the eyes of the Nobel Porn stars this mutation of life has been a wild success (or so they say). Nature has a comprehensive list, but these stand out.
Back to Basics: Binders
When proteins interact with each other, binder molecules can increase or break apart interactions. These molecules initially caught the eyes of protein designers because they can serve as drugs that block damaging cellular responses or boost useful ones. They contain the power to make your biological system compliant with the global agenda, bow to the image of the beast.
Generative AI models, such as RFdiffusion, can model binders, free-floating proteins inside cells. These proteins coordinate much of the cell’s internal signaling, including signals that trigger senescence which is ARRESTING your cells, or promotion of cancer.
Binders that break the chain of communication can halt all your original design processes. Arresting my cells and breaking the chain-of-communication (COMMAND) sounds very militaristic and authoritarian to me!
In the field of diagnostic tools scientists have engineered a glow-in-the-dark tag to monitor a cell’s status for instance detecting the presence of a hormone when the binder grabbed onto it. Glow-in-the-dark technology is only one step away from the Mark of the Beast where everyone will know your compliance status, your physical life hanging in the balance.
Binders remain hard to develop. They need to interact with key regions on proteins. But because proteins are dynamic 3D structures that twist and turn, making it difficult to determine where the binders should attach.
Binders are kept secret by pharmaceutical companies with “mafia organization” keeping an in-house database catalog for molecular protein interaction.
Teams are now using AI to design simple binders for research. That said, they emphasize these macabre experiments must be tested in living organisms. AI can’t yet predict the catastrophic biological consequences of a binder. Then there’s the problem of hallucination, where an AI model dreams up binders that are completely unrealistic.

Is this our glimpse into 2025? An experimental molecular protein weapon to gather more and better data on how proteins grab
Designing New Enzymes

Enzymes are proteins that modify or transform life. They break down or construct new molecules, allowing us to digest food, build up our bodies, and maintain healthy brains. As we go into 2025 synthetic enzymes will rule over your body forcing it to suck carbon dioxide from the atmosphere or breaking down plastic waste. These are already operational such as with the Hairbots that are microswimmers and can be totally synthetic or a biohybrid.
Sorry, this is kind of fuzzy, but as you can see, I love swimming, but I do not want hairbot miscroswimmers or to become a carbon sink!
Designer enzymes are still tough to build. AI evaluates structure, not function—meaning we’ll need to better understand how one leads to the other. But as we see in this 2019 study work is expanding.
Like binders, enzymes have “hotspots.” Scientists are racing to hunt these down with machine learning.

I do not know about you, but I hate hotspots. I rarely get those but when I do, they are quite literally a pain.
Now my mom on occasion likes hotspots because she can connect to the internet. These are two different hot spots. One is an allergic reaction for a dog and the other is a connectivity spot. An active hotspot usually requires significant scaffolding to work properly. Enzymes are a tough nut to crack especially because they are in constant motion. For now, AI struggles to map their transformations.
Keep your eyes open in 2025 for scientific benchmarks on enzymes and binders.
Shape-Shifting Headaches
AI is trained on protein structures. These snapshots have been hard won with decades of work, in which scientists freeze a protein in time to image its structure. But these images only capture a protein’s most stable shape, rather than its shape in motion—like when a protein grabs onto a binder or when an enzyme twists to fit into a protein nook.
For AI to truly “understand” proteins, researchers will have to train models on the changing structures as proteins shapeshift. Scientists are now generating libraries of synthetic and natural proteins and gradually mutating each to see how simple changes alter their structures and flexibility.
Just like making a cake scientists add a bit of “randomness” to how an AI generates new structures. AF-Cluster, built on AlphaFold2, injected bits of uncertainty into its neural network processes when predicting a known shape-shifting protein and did well on multiple structures.

My mom wrote about this in her 2018 article, Mysterious Shape-Shifting Matter,
Protein prediction is a competitive race. Building a collaborative infrastructure for the rapid sharing of data could speed efforts.
Regardless, there’s no doubt AI is speeding up protein design.
Let’s see what next year 2025 will bring.

Until Next Time, This Is…
Miss Zippy…..Signing Out!
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best wishes for the new year and on Celeste. Thank you for sharing your expertise.
Happy New Year Tom!
Celeste and Miss Zippy