Tools and Techniques in Deterrence Operations
Hell was secretly voted on by the UN during the Solar Eclipse on April 8th. The official UN Declaration seizing the planet was made on the Fall Equinox, September 22nd.
For my subscriber’s, some free content, as well as guest interviews I began my methodical and exclusive coverage series of 2024. My coverage spanned a large variety of topics in my keynote presentations on:
- Pandemic Timeline
- Lair of the Dragon
- Color of Evil
- The UN Obliterates All Boundaries
What Will Happen Next?
I am sure that it is foremost on your mind so that you can prepare your family, loved ones, friends, and home.
It is going by the Bible, foretold by prophets, Jesus, and scribes thousands of years ago.
As of September 22nd, we have a counterfeit global narrative that is Luciferian.
The Details
Yoked aircraft, ordnance, and other weapons to facilitate delivery in kinetic engagements
Significant Chemical and Biological releases to leverage BioPower in the non-kinetic and kinetic domains.
Non-kinetic warfare includes things such as:
- Information manipulating & Influence Operations
- Key leader influencers to persuade or a change in behavior.
- Lawfare: Using legal mechanisms to constrain or disrupt your opposition to illegal and evil operations.
- Criminal legal action: Pursuing criminal charges against individuals or organizations to disrupt UN activities.
- Security detention
- Asset freezes
This is a partial list. My subscribers receive the full list of planned operations against regular people in the US and around the world.
Kinetic warfare will include:
- Physical engagements
- All manner of weaponry including hard and soft weaponry.
- Lethal force against you
Any person considered a…..
*burden, *risk, or *threat will be defined, identified, and targeted for elimination. This is all-inclusive whether you are a current threat or potentially a future threat.
Disruptive effects incurred by deterrent intervention will last anywhere from 2 months to 10 years in duration until everyone complies or is depopulated.
There will be new demonic manifestations as a consequence of new portals and the UN Declaration. This will include the construct embodiment and revelation of the Anti-Christ.
The coming operations will induce the following:
Fear Factor to induce you to give up your personal and country sovereignty.
The fear of a recognized or unknown chemical/biological threat can significantly influence decision-making processes—and resultant political, economic, and military postures.
Ambiguity and uncertainty-There will be a plethora of misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation. Due to the UN Pact for the Future you and be charged and or executed for spreading any of these.
Malinformation refers to factual information that is shared with malicious intent, such as to harm a person’s reputation or to create chaos. It is distinct from misinformation, which is false or inaccurate information, and disinformation, which is intentionally false or misleading information spread to deceive or manipulate.
There will be a plethora of low cost high impact operations that will impact the economy.
There will be a Triple Helix at play in many operations and dimensions.
Radical levelling will be employed for deterrence initiatives. This means every facet of our life will be demolished with the Great Reset and all globalists plans operational.
TPTB intend to “change minds and hearts” by altering your will and capacity to fight . They want you to bend the knee to the collective cognitive, emotional, and behavioral domain “masters.
Be prepared. Be safe under the shadow of His Wings. Do not fear for they feed on fear.
God bless each of you and those you love,
Question. I never took the v but my husband did twice but knows now he shouldn’t have,without admission. I got c twice the first time I had double pneumonia and coughed up blood. On a blood thinner so it happens sometimes. When I got c a second time my Dr talked me into paxlovid and I wish I never did but I take several vitamins now and haven’t had a cold now inwell over a year. I an asthmatic. Have you heard terrible things about that drug? Thank you and God Bless
I would not take it.
Just sayin…
God bless,
Celeste, I’ve been following you since 2020. Could you please do a video on CT scans, MRI’s and other similar tests? What are they doing to us with this type of medical testing? Thanks… love your work.
We can talk about this at tomorrows Community Meeting as it is a c ommon question.
Hi Celeste,
I just made a donation but am unclear as to I access membership status since I was not prompted for log-in or password info. I’m a long time follow but a “lapsed” contributor! I will do better!
To become a subscriber you hit the “Join” button at the top or if you are on your phone hit the “Menu” (3 lines stacked on top of each other) o. The left and then scroll to the bottom and hit join.
Thanks so much and let me know if you have any issues,
Kind Regards!
Can a single donation get access to anything?
Free articles and videois. If you have a brief question I will respond.
Free content. I use my paid subscriptions to pay for the platforms needed to bring you the news. A donation more than likely goes to pay website expenses, but not always.
The donation doesn’t count as being subscribed.
That is true. Subscriptions help me to pay monthly bills for platforms to bring you the news. Donations are a gift, otentime going to operating expenses but not always.
Donations are different than subscriptions. Not all content is available for Donations. See my other reply to you on this topic. Blessings, Celeste
Subscribe to $25/ month can view full report on this topic?
Yes you can.
Thank you so much!
I also can not find a way to sign up to your site? How can we see your members version of this, as l do not understand where it is to be a part of your community for other information you will be speaking about.
To become a Subscriber, you hit the “Subscribe” tab at the top of the website…. right net to Free Videos. Thank you so much for your interest in Celeste’s work.
Kind Regards
I also can not find a way to sign up to your site? How can we see your members version of this, as l do not understand where it is to be a part of your community for other information you will be speaking about.
You can up at celestialreport2.com. Add a User Name and Password. It is $25 a month. I should have the full article up for subscribers tomorrow. Cindee was in Hurricane Milton and I was preparing for toniught when it is to be 20 degrees.
need to have you to confirm I am a subscriber. As it does not recognize my email or password. Thanks
Cindee will look into this. She just got her power back last night from Hurricane Milton.
If you get messages from the Holy Spirit, why do you charge to share them? Anyone that charges for unique intel that they say is provided by Yah is suspect in my book.
Sherry Shriner sold her books in hardcopy form as an option for someone wanting a tangible object in their hands, but she ALWAYS provided the online versions for free, along with ANY Intel Father provided to her.
Yes, she accepted donations, but not for gaining access.
Her “copyright” rule was simple: “If you’re going to copy it, copy it right… because what Yah gives to me, I give freely.”
I highly recommend it. Yah bless!
I look forward to your channel where you are publishing what you are receiving from the Lord for everyone.
And how do you prpose I pay for the platforms to bring you the news? They are not free. I do not charge for the spiritual always providing a corner on my calling for the poor but I do charge for my expertise on government, military, medical and so forth. If you have a line on free platforms that are censorship free let me know. By the way, do you pay for grocercies, house, utitlties or do you get it all for free. The Bible admonishes us to work so that we do not becomer lazy and rebel against God. God sayss we will toil in Genesis.
Thank You Celeste for your wanting to keep us up to date with what is going on. I want to subscribe but cannot donate due to living in a nursing home. I am one of the Burdens. I love the LORD with all my heart! I am in His Hands! Again thank you. Cynthia.
God bless you Cynthia. I do have free news and videos that you can partake in. Enjoy and be blessed! Celeste
I subscribed but can’t see the full report. Is it available yet as it’s the reason I subscribed. Thanks.
I should have it up for subscribers tomorrow. Cindee was in Hurricane Milton and I was preparing for toniught when it is to be 20 degrees.
Thank you, Celeste, for all the info and all the risk you take to deliver it. Please pray for us. My boyfriend doesn’t believe anything is about to happen and is terribly confused about Jesus and the Bible. We are severely unprepared. I pray for his salvation and hope he sees before it’s too late, but I fear it already is.
Rebecca, I will keep you and your boyfriernd in prayer, especially regarding his salvation. Do not worry about preparations. God has you in the palm of His hand.
It says this is supposed to be free articles then I tap on the article and it says that I have to subscribe I just donated $25 anyway it says this is supposed to be free articles and then it says I can’t access unless I subscribe
This has now been corrected.
Kind Regards
It says this is supposed to be free articles then I tap on the article and it says that I have to subscribe I just donated $25
Jordan, Please extend us some grace. We worked on the website for two years and a week before Hurricane Milton we launched. New platforms always have glitches. My Admin works full time and does my work in the evenings. Unfortunately, she was in the path of Milton and only yesterday got her power back so we are a bit behind. I will let her know that several subscriber’s are having the same issue. Thank you for letting us know. In the meantime you can watch the video on the topic on Celeste Solum You Tube. It is not the in-depth one but it is 45 minutes of information, while we work on issue repair. My humble thanks, Celeste
Howdy Celeste, you said the various types of information would be outlawed. Will they or have they identified problem people who have posted things about their agenda?
Yes, using various means and various agencies, even your pruchases and internet viewing.
MANY MANY THANMKS for all you do for our community. Our God says Do Not fear, so I will ot fear. Blessings to Everyone in our community.
Hi Celeste. Thank you for all you do and all you sacrifice. Just to let you know, none of the videos or articles you posted under free are accessible.
Blessings and Shalom
We are aware of this glitch and are working with tech support to resolve the issue. Unfortunately, they do not work on weekends.
This has now been corrected.
Kind Regards
Celeste, do you view the increasing escalation on the part of our admin. toward Russia as part of a plan to precipitate some of the calamities outlined in your “What’s Next” free article and video? I live in the Midwest and hope and pray the flaming arrows will be extinguished!
I live in the Midwest also. Partly yes and also the drum beat of Pathogens. I also pray for quiet times but somehow I think they may be difficult. That said, we were born for such a time as this.
Thank you for replying. I’m not a paid member of your site, but I have followed all of your work on multiple platforms. I have tried to follow the guidance that you and other faith filled believers have provided, many not as well informed as you with regard to the plans behind the scenes. I wish there were a database of zip codes where one could enter where they live and get location specific preparation guidance. Other than that, I rely on the Comforter and mighty Councelor to guide me in these trying times. Thank you for the blessing you provide to those who would listen. May God abundantly bless you.
That is the benefit of being a subscriber, being able to connect with people, oftentimes in your nearby area. I do pray that the Comforter and mighty Counselor will guide your every step, and we know that He will. God bless you in the days to come. Thank you for your interest in my work.
Thank you Celeste! My wife is recently retired within the last few days, so we are still figuring out budgeting and priorities, so that’s why I can’t subscribe at the moment. Yet, as you said the Comforter, Advocate, Councelor is there to direct my path, when I just listen for his still, quiet gentle voice. I am replying again to ask you if you suspect that the recent fires in California might have been intentionally caused, consistent with this report about evacuations that you warned of?
Yes, I believe they weree intentional. That said there waas a natural portion the Santa Ana winds, but they were weaponized, and in addition Direct Energy Weapons (DEW), as well as probably some arson. May the Lord bless you with wisdom as you seek your path.