The UN, WHO, and WEF are preparing the world, as if they were tilling the ground, for the New World Health Order coming to you this May.  Do not misunderstand, this…

Jesus or the Jab Handout

THE JAB IS A DANGER TO YOUR BODY & SOUL Humans are created in the divine image of God according to the scripture Genesis 1:27  Jesus’ sacrifice for salvation for…

God’s Right to Choose

God’s Right to ChooseCeleste Solum January 31, 2018 ​ Give ear, O ye heavens, and I will speak; and hear, O earth, the words of my mouth.  Deuteronomy  32:1 Hearken unto…

The Shameful Year of 2024

Your donations and support make this work possible I know that in my life, I do not always think of a harsh word as a comfort, but the Prophet Isaiah…

Does a Weaponized SynBio Botulism Spell Doom for Canned Foods?

by Celeste Solum December 05, 2023  Your subscriptions and donations make this work possible.My humble thanks. Click Link Below To Watch Video Viewers have had some very excellent comments and questions that…