Face to Face with God
Face to Face with God by Celeste Solum October 26, 2020 “We Will See Face To Face” Have you ever stopped for a moment to marvel at the intricacies and beauty…
Face to Face with God by Celeste Solum October 26, 2020 “We Will See Face To Face” Have you ever stopped for a moment to marvel at the intricacies and beauty…
Hydrogel/Quantum Dot Can Erase Your Memory of God and His Creation from Your Brain by Celeste Solum July 30, 2020 This is a repost. Be wary my friends. Whether you believe…
Weaponized Stardust of Most High Sending Terrorizing Shower of Judgmentby Celeste Solum November 30, 2019 For protection from this cosmic shower: Electromagnetic Radiation Protection Solutions, God’s Marvelous Protective Provisions for the coming Nuclear and Cosmic Superstorm CRISIS As we study Psalm 136. Remember: the Gate…
Ten Plagues: Flashes of Prophecy and News Dancing Amidst the Hailby Celeste SolumJanuary 29, 2019 Seventh Bowl of Wrath Then every island fled, and no mountain could be found. And…
Transdifferentiation Forces Rectal Cells into Brain Cells by Celeste B. June 27, 2018 How does one even begin to cover distasteful current news in polite society? Beware of a new and…
Why the Human Brain is Being Attacked! What You Don’t Know by Celeste B. April 19, 2018 Winning Hearts and Minds… Through Stockpiled Neuro-Technology Huge stockpiles of neuro-weapons were accumulated under…
Dust of the Last Days by Celeste B. April 11, 2018 Dust will play a critical part in the Last Days as it has throughout history. You have heard of Smart Dust which…
Shrinking Brain Epidemic by Celeste B. April 08, 2018 There is an epidemic of shrinking brains impacting over 1 billion people. Brains are withering and shriveling up like raisins. It is no wonder that…
Researchers Testing Aerosolized Drug Delivery System To the Brain by Celeste . February 07, 2018 Aerosolized nanotechnology holds the key to a non-invasive drug delivery system to the brain. This novel…
Shepherds Heart Farm Year End Reportby SH staff January 31, 2018 Wait for it….wait for it….Shepherds Heart Farm grows produce from around the world and different time periods. Shepherdess Celeste Beta-Tests…