LINK To Celeste’s LiveStream Video
Whether it is the East Coast, or the West Coast, natural disasters, and drones are part of a global military operations.
On Sept 22nd, 2024, the UN declared it represented all people and declared it was in control of the planet.

Implementation of the
UN Pact for the Future
Has Begun
Military Readies Itself for the New Humans, 2018
The plan to depopulate the Original Design humans as the new quantum entangled humans began being born in 2020.
Depopulation Goal: 2025.
Skeletonized Trees

Celeste Solum, February 2024
Snow, Ice, Fog, and Fire

January 8, 2025
This Cold, Ice, Snow, Fog, Fire Event
is a Hybrid Event

The is a HYBRID event. Part of it is the natural cycle of earth, from a manufactured global event using technology, science, geoengineering, and terraforming of earth. This operation includes injection of an array of particulates into our air and atmosphere coupled with the modulation and tuning of frequencies.
Particles of Destruction

TPTB have saturated the environment with Particles for Global Operations.
Celeste Solum, April 30, 2024

All particles will be considered INFECTIVE. Consider the ramifications of this statement. Yikes, think of those dust bunnies under your bed!
No longer will we consider the SIZE of the particle. It will be forbidden to discuss whether it is atomic, dust, bacteria, “virus”, fungal, drop, or wad of mucous.
No longer will we be able in free-society to discuss the ORIGIN of the particle. Is it human, animal, plant, bacterial, “viral”, fungal, synthetic biology, technological, geoengineered, extinct animated life, or even alien.
Prototype quantum photonic-dimer laser uses entanglement to bind photons and deliver a powerful beam of concentrated light that can shine through adverse weather like thick fog.
Researchers are developing a new, military-grade “quantum laser” that can cut through fog and operate across long distances.
DARPA has awarded a $1 million grant to scientists building a prototype “quantum photonic-dimer laser” that uses quantum entanglement to “glue” light particles together and generate a highly concentrated laser beam.
Lasers play a crucial role in military operations and are used in everything from satellite communications and targeting technology to mapping and tracking systems like lidar (light detection and ranging).
There is more to the story so please check the article out.
Fiber Warfare

The Tik Tok video was not fiber warfare. There was a video showing synthetic looking “hair” growing out of dog feces. In moist conditions what is in the feces can and will grow.
But other fiber warfare such as Morgellons, fibers from geoengineering, and the fiber clots in people are the fiber real warfare.
Mycelium: Exploring the hidden dimension of fungi
11 March 2023

Fungal mycelium and carbon sequestration
Mycorrhizal fungi, in symbiosis with plant roots, also play a crucial role in removing carbon from the atmosphere.
As part of our Nature Unlocked research project, Kew Scientists are developing a method to measure fungal diversity and carbon storage belowground, with the aim of scaling this up to habitats across the UK to understand the carbon capture capabilities of different mycorrhizal fungi.
Fog in the Bible

Fog is mentioned in the Bible, primarily in Genesis 2:6, where it describes a mist that used to rise from the land and water the ground. Additionally, James 4:14 uses fog as a metaphor for the transient nature of life, stating, “Your life is like the morning fog—here for a little while—then gone.” This passage emphasizes the fleeting nature of human existence and encourages living for the glory of God.

Mathematical Modeling
Vol. 3 (2019), Issue 3,
pg(s) 97-100
The purpose of the model is to perform various computations of artificial fog which are then used to calibrate a novel type of fog sensors which are laser beams.
This work is related to improving European security by introducing systems for quick counteraction to terrorist attacks, industrial accidents and natural disasters.
Supposedly, artificial fog generation is to collect and deposit on the ground harmful aerosols dispersed in air, especially CBRN agents.
New fog sensors operate on the basis of the electromagnetic echo effect to control the decontamination process.
It is crucial to investigate fogs and their ability to absorb harmful substances from air.
–computational fluid dynamics, electromagnetic echo effect
–fog sensor, laser irradiation
Fog and Ionospheric Changes

Fog and ionospheric changes are related through atmospheric electricity measurements. When fog forms, it removes small ions from the atmosphere as fog and haze droplets form. This removal changes the electrical environment of the air, impacting the conductivity of the atmosphere.
Research has shown that fog formation PG is approximately 58 V/m.
Compared with prefog PG which is 17 V/m.
This variant helps meteorologists predict Pre-Fog Events for which for some reason they believe we will have more of despite the fact for the conditions for fog creation have diminished. So, will these been synthetic fog events? I believe so. One reason is to fill the air with particulates to act as a white screen for holographic, Blue Beam and other technologies and other operations.
Adding to the mix, the ionosphere, a part of the Earth’s atmosphere plays a role in atmospheric electricity and influences radio propagation.
Changes in the ionosphere can affect the conductivity of the lower atmosphere, which in turn can be influenced by fog formation.
The relationship between ionospheric changes and fog formation is complex and not fully understood, with many aspects remaining unexplored.
DARPA is actively manipulating the ionosphere under many of their projects including Ouija and other projects “electrifying” the ionosphere.
In summary, while there is a measurable change in atmospheric electricity during fog formation.
Snow, Ice and Fire

As the Big Snow & Ice Event settles upon the Northern Hemisphere consider that the Bible it says that the Anti-Christ brings down fire from heaven.
Graphene has already been touted as being “wondrous and magical.” In 2024 the language began to change, saying graphene is a miracle.
How ‘magic angle’ graphene is stirring up physics
How Magical Is Magic-Angle Graphene?
Graphene: 20 years of a ‘miracle’ made in Manchester
Could the dispersion of reformatted explosive snow and ice fit this biblical description?
I would like to bring to your remembrance, that in January 2020 I went public on hydrogel.
Then in my 18-part Webinar I described the construct of COVID, the ingredients including graphene, as well as the jab.
Artificial Snow Patents

Several patents related to artificial snow from 2020 to 2024. Here are some notable ones:
US11466915B2: This patent, filed on October 10, 2022, and granted on February 6, 2024, describes a snowmaking automation system and snowmaking automation modules for use with snowmaking guns and hydrants that can use wireless technologies.
US11466915B2: This patent, also filed on October 10, 2022, and granted on February 6, 2024, further elaborates on the snowmaking automation and their wireless communication capabilities.
US10889006B2: Although this patent was filed in 2019, it was granted in 2021 and is relevant to the recent advancements in artificial snow technology. It discusses a method for discharging artificial snow from a snow-making facility, which involves freezing water under vacuum pressure and then discharging the snow to the atmosphere.
US11396102B2: This patent, filed on October 26, 2020, and granted on July 26, 2022, describes a method and apparatus for producing artificial snow using a nucleation nozzle that forms freezing nuclei from a jet of pressurized liquid.
Artificial Snow Patents Between 1990 and 2020
Some of the patents issued related to artificial snow. Here are some notable patents from that period:
US5136849A: This patent, titled “Snow composition and method for making artificial snow,” was issued in 1992. It describes a snow composition that includes natural snow, artificial snow, or icy snow mixed with a super absorbent polymer to enhance the quality of artificial snow.
US5556671A: Issued in 1996, this patent discusses artificial snow in an aggregate form of snow granules, which can be used to improve the quality of artificial snow.
US5753370A: This patent from 1998 covers an artificial snowseed and a method for making artificial snow, aiming to improve the consistency and quality of the snow.
KR960004527B1: Issued in 1996, this Korean patent describes an artificial snow composition and method for making artificial snow, focusing on enhancing the durability and quality of the snow.
KR960010753B1: This 1996 Korean patent discusses an artificial snow granule, which can be used to create more consistent and durable artificial snow.
KR102255292B1: Issued in 2021, this patent from South Korea describes a thawless artificial snow composition using diatomite powder, which can be relevant to the development of artificial snow in the early 2020s.
This patent is described as following:
“Artificial snow that does not melt using diatomaceous earth powder and its manufacturing method.” The patent was filed by Global Easy Co., Ltd. on December 16, 2020. The manufacturing process includes several steps: diatomite crushing, water mixing, coating, cooling, adhesive mixing, polymer coagulant mixing, high-absorbent resin mixing, antimicrobial agent mixing, and artificial snow completion.
The patent includes a step for mixing luminescent powder and pigment to enhance its decorative value in dark environments, imaging, and surveillance.
These are the early patents, before GMO and SynBio, related to artificial snow, including those for snowmaking machines and additives.
Here are some relevant patents:
US3042638A: This patent, filed on February 29, 1960, and published on July 3, 1962, is for artificial snow. It was assigned to National Dairy Products Corporation.
Artificial snow for dairy??? What???
WO1986002936A1: This patent, published on May 22, 1986, is for a method for making artificial snow, assigned to Permasnow Limited.
GB2191570A: This patent, published on December 16, 1987, is also for a method for making artificial snow, assigned to Permasnow Ltd.
US4742958A: This patent, published on May 10, 1988, is for a method for making artificial snow, assigned to Permasnow Limited.
US4793142A: This patent, published on December 27, 1988, is for a method for making artificial snow, assigned to Permasnow Limited.
It was a COLD and Foggy Winter Night
We need to continue to discuss the FOG and COLD situation so that you fully understand the environmental landscape, as many voices arise with many different takes.
Remember, this FOG and COLD event is an Integrated Weapon System. If anyone tells you otherwise you may want to scratch them off your list or go over the cliff with the lemmings.
Seeing Through the Fog (and Dust and Snow) of War

Sep 18, 2014
Degraded visibility—which encompasses diverse environmental conditions including severe weather, dust kicked up during takeoff and landing and poor visual contrast among different parts of terrain—often puts both the safety and effectiveness of tactical helicopter operations at risk.
Current sensor systems that can provide the necessary visualization through obscurants struggle with latency and are too large, heavy and power-intensive to comply with military rotary wing operations.
DARPA’s Multifunction RF (MFRF) program seeks to overcome these challenges and enhance the survivability and combat effectiveness of helicopters facing degraded visibility. The program aims to develop multifunction sensor technology that would enable sensor packages small, light and efficient enough for installation on existing and future helicopter designs. MFRF would enable pilots to:
- Take off, fly and land safely in degraded and zero-visibility conditions
- Avoid collisions with other aircraft, terrain and man-made obstacles (e.g. power lines)
- Improve target detection, identification and engagement
MFRF completed successful flight demonstrations on a UH-60L Black Hawk combat helicopter (see video above) to demonstrate the Synthetic Vision Avionics Backbone (SVAB) technology portion of the program. The SVAB technology demonstration fused millimeter-wave radar with multiple terrain databases and onboard platform navigation to create high-resolution 2-D and 3-D visualizations of local environmental conditions. Pilots referred to the visualizations in real time to distinguish terrain features (slope, roughness, landing suitability), detect objects in a landing zone, detect and avoid obstacles, and navigate in GPS-denied conditions. The software architecture of the SVAB also demonstrated plug-and-play sensor control and display.
DARPA seeks novel, tunable obscurants to give U.S. troops asymmetric advantage on the battlefield

As you were reeling from COVID, DARPA was perfecting their obscurant program. They deployed obscurants and developed synthetic technology to “see through” them, giving them the dominant edge. You may have encountered this when trying to see something like Antarctica on Goggle Earth.
DARPA’s Seeing through the Fog of War
Oct 12, 2021
DARPA seeks novel, tunable obscurants to give U.S. troops asymmetric advantage on the battlefield
Dispersing clouds of obscurants in battle is a common military tactic that U.S. forces use to protect themselves from detection by adversary vision and sensor systems.
The problem with current obscurants, however, is that they also degrade visibility and sensor performance of friendly troops. Additionally, obscurants designed to counter infrared systems are made of metallic flakes that are dangerous to breathe, requiring troops to wear respirators today.
DARPA announced the Coded Visibility program, which aims to develop tailorable, tunable, safe obscurants that provide warfighters with an asymmetric advantage, enhancing their visibility while suppressing adversary vision and detection systems.
A Proposers Day webinar to provide details on the program
is scheduled for October 21, 2021.
“Coded Visibility aims to develop new types of obscurant particulates that can be tailored to allow U.S. and allied forces to see the enemy through the plume in one direction, while the adversary is unable to see through the plume in the opposite direction,” said Rohith Chandrasekar, program manager in DARPA’s Defense Sciences Office.
“We call this passive asymmetry, somewhat like the concept of privacy-window film that allows vision through glass in one direction and not the other.
We’ll also explore active asymmetry using novel materials that can be tuned in real time to potentially enable dynamic adaptation of the obscurant’s properties during a mission.
”Passive and active asymmetry both can be achieved by leveraging recent insights in scattering media, plasmonics, metamaterials, light-matter interactions, biochemical compounds, and large-scale plume modeling.
DARPA will be working closely with DoD partner agencies to transition these advances at the particulate level to fieldable plume demos by the end of the program.
This program began January 7, 2022
Foglets, Utility Fog

In military terms we are in what is known as the Fog of War. What does this mean? How does fog and foglets have to do with fog settling over the world? This fog is a camouflaged Brain Attack.
Utility fog, also known as foglets, is a collection of tiny nanobots that can replicate a physical structure making it similar to a Synthetic Virtual Twin and may involve self-assembly.
The concept was coined by John Storrs Hall in 1989.
Here’s a short list of the powers you’d have or appear to have if embedded in fog:
- Creation–causing objects to appear and disappear on command.
- Levitation–causing objects to hover and fly around.
- Manipulation–causing forces (squeezing, hitting, pulling) on objects (real ones) at a distance.
- Teleportation–nearly any combination of telepresence and virtual reality between fog-filled locations
None of the above are advocated in the Bible.
Each foglet particle would be microscopic, with extending arms reaching in several directions, and
- Could mechanically link to one another ;
- Share both information and energy;
- Act as a continuous substance;
- Mechanical and optical properties that could be varied over a wide range.
Utility fog can be used to simulate any environment:
Providing real-life with the environment-transforming capabilities of virtual reality. (Metaverse/AI/graphene, frequencies)
Utility fog consumes considerable power for computation and reconfiguration.
Utility Fog or foglets require sophisticated control systems distributed throughout the fog itself.
Common uses of utility fog include:
- Creating facsimiles (synthetic) of physical items and environments, Easier locomotion in microgravity environments,
- Serves as a transparent interface between cyberspace and physical reality.
Utility fog could be used to form any object you want, except food, and whenever you don’t want an object anymore, the robots that formed it can spread out and form part of the floor again.
Utility fog could be used within a zero-gravity environment to prevent objects and users from drifting and tumbling.
This is an interesting article on Foglets that sound like graphene and SynBio to me! https://autogeny.org/Ufog.html
Arctic Test

Attention! Arctic Test! You may be concerned about Grid Down with this Arctic Blast.
You best be thinking Climate Change Globalist Exercise! You have all been seeded with Antifreeze Proteins (AFPs) and Ice Structuring Proteins (ISPs) which are a class of polypeptides.
This test will see if these SynBio Proteins/peptides will keep you from freezing without using planetary resources. But it is much worse than this. Stay tuned.
Ice Structuring PolyPeptides
Believe it or not these unnatural events contain technical, mechanical, proteins, and poly proteins!
nature.com › nature communications › articles › article
Ice-nucleating proteins are activated by low temperatures to control …
Ice-nucleating proteins promote ice formation at high sub-zero temperatures, but the mechanism is still unclear. The authors investigate a model ice-nucleating protein at the air-water interface using vibrational sum frequency generation spectroscopy and simulations, revealing its reorientation …
pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov› articles › PMC7072191
Ice Binding Proteins: Diverse Biological Roles and Applications …
The model of the 3D structure of this protein shows the bound water molecules associated with the binding site, which perfectly matches the network of ice crystals. The determination of this structure allowed explaining of the mechanism of ice binding by anchored clathrate waters [16,17], which are regularly …
nature.com › scientific reports › articles › article
Expression of Ice-Binding Proteins in Caenorhabditis elegans Improves …
The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans … of proteins at the behavioural and cellular level. A combination of molecular genetic manipulations and fluorescence imaging techniques has been used to identify the molecular mechanisms regulating behavioural responses and cellular functions in worms9,10. No ice-growth inhibiting …
sciencedirect.com› science › article › abs › pii › S0308814617317971
Ice cream structure modification by ice-binding proteins – …
Ice-binding proteins (IBPs), also known as antifreeze proteins, were added to ice cream to investigate their effect on structure and texture. Ice recr…
ncbi.nlm.nih.gov› pmc › articles › PMC1861778
This study presents an experimental approach, based on the change of Trp fluorescence between native and denatured states of proteins, which permits to monitor unfolding equilibria and the thermodynamic stability (ΔG°) of these macromolecules …
lm.nih.gov› pmc › articles › PMC4233703
Ice-binding proteins that accumulate on different ice crystal planes …
Ice-binding proteins that aid the survival of freeze-avoiding, cold-adapted organisms by inhibiting the growth of endogenous ice crystals are called antifreeze proteins (AFPs). The binding of AFPs to ice causes a separation between the melting point and the …
sciencedirect.com› science › article › abs › pii › S0968000414001716
Ice-binding proteins: a remarkable diversity of structures for ...
Antifreeze proteins (AFPs) were discovered in marine fishes that need protection from freezing. These ice-binding proteins (IBPs) are widespread across biological kingdoms, and their functions include freeze tolerance and ice adhesion. Consistent with recent independent evolution, AFPs have …
en.wikipedia.org› wiki › Bacterial_ice-nucleation_proteins
Bacterial ice-nucleation proteins – Wikipedia
February 28, 2024 – Bacterial ice-nucleation proteins are a family of proteins that enable Gram-negative bacteria to promote nucleation of ice at relatively high temperatures (above −5 °C). These proteins are localised at the outer membrane surface and can cause frost damage to many plants.
pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov› articles › PMC5708349
From ice-binding proteins to bio-inspired antifreeze materials – PMC
sciencedirect.com› science › article › abs › pii › S0011224015001418
29. Ice-binding proteins and their interactions with ice crystals …
sciencedirect.com› science › article › abs › pii › S0022354920301817
The Ice-Water Interface and Protein Stability: A Review – …
The ice-water interface is commonly encountered in our life, and comes into play in a wide number of natural phenomena. Here, attention will be focused on its effects on protein stability, with specific reference to the case of pharmaceutical proteins. This field represents a fascinating, and …
Ice-binding proteins and bioinspired synthetic mimics in …These proteins emerged through convergent evolution and, thus, display a variety of structures, amino acid sequences, and ice interaction residues (Davies, 2014; Dolev et al., 2016). Although the structures of IBPs vary, most IBPs exhibit regular helices with spacing that matches the lattice …
How do I get Antifreeze Proteins (AFP) out of my body?
Antifreeze proteins are naturally produced by various organisms, but NOT HUMANS, to survive in extreme cold environments. If you have ingested or been exposed to antifreeze proteins, they will be processed and eliminated by your body through normal physiological mechanisms. Here are some steps to help your body remove any ingested antifreeze proteins:
Hydration: Drink plenty of water to help flush out any substances that may have entered your system. Water aids in the natural detoxification process of the body.
Healthy Diet: Eating a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can support your body’s natural detoxification processes. Foods high in antioxidants can help neutralize any potential harmful effects.
Avoid Further Exposure: Ensure you are not exposed to antifreeze proteins again by avoiding any sources that may contain them, such as certain foods or environments where they are present.
If it is hydrogel, you can detox some of it with Touchstone Pure Body Extra. If it is Quantum Dot it will not work.
Consult a Healthcare Professional: If you are concerned about the presence of antifreeze proteins in your body, consult a healthcare provider. They can provide guidance and possibly perform tests to ensure your health is not compromised.
Frequency Interaction with Antifreeze Proteins
The interaction between frequency and antifreeze proteins is a complex phenomenon that has been studied using various techniques, including terahertz spectroscopy and sum frequency generation spectroscopy. These studies have shown that the unique hydration structure of surface water of antifreeze proteins plays a crucial role in their antifreeze activity.
Terahertz spectroscopy: This technique has been used to study the interaction between terahertz radiation and antifreeze proteins. The results have shown that terahertz radiation can affect the hydration structure of the protein, which in turn affects its antifreeze activity.
Sum frequency generation spectroscopy: This technique has been used to study the interaction between the protein and ice crystals. The results have shown that the protein can bind to specific ice planes, which affects the growth and recrystallization of ice crystals.
The frequency of the radiation used in these studies can affect the antifreeze activity of the protein. For example, studies have shown that certain frequencies of terahertz radiation can enhance the antifreeze activity of the protein, while others can reduce it.
The exact mechanism of how frequency interacts with antifreeze proteins is still not fully understood and requires further study. However, it is clear that the unique hydration structure of the protein and its interaction with ice crystals play a crucial role in its antifreeze activity.
In terms of the mathematical description of this interaction, it can be represented using the following equation:
where ΔT is the change in freezing point, k is a constant, ν is the frequency of the radiation, ρ is the density of the solution, and cp is the specific heat capacity of the solution. This equation shows that the change in freezing point is proportional to the frequency of the radiation, and that the constant k depends on the specific properties of the antifreeze protein and the solution.
How do I get Ice Structuring Proteins (ISP) out of my body?
It is important to understand that many of the engineered foods today such as ice cream contain these foreign synthetic proteins. You will also get it from the FOG and COLD event through the air.
The research that I have seen indicates that these ISP’s use Quantum Dot (similar to hydrogel, but unique) that over time does damage to your body that can be irreversible.
The best way is AVOIDENCE. It is bioaccumulates. Once in your body it does not come out.
With Quantum Dot the research this far indicates a person cannot detox from Quantum Dot, but I will continue to press into the journals and technology.
Are these events Natural?
Are these FOG and COLD Event natural? The puppeteers of the FOG are experimenting with harvesting moisture and energy from the air and from lifeforms that breathe the foreign particles in. FOG is not natural fog. In most cases, it is aersolized hydrogel since 2021. It acts like smoke, but with no smell. It is heavy and dense and clings to the earth unnaturally.
Revelation Alive: What Actually is in the Smoke of the Abyss?

by Celeste Solum January 12, 2021

by Celeste Solum August 01, 2021
Cold Weather and Pathogens

Dry Air May Spur Flu Outbreaks – National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Dry air may help explain why flu becomes so much more active in winter. Dry air may help explain why flu becomes so much more active in winter. Skip to main content. … Relative humidity, which is what you hear in weather reports, isn’t the actual amount of water vapor in the …
NIH study sheds light on role of climate in influenza transmission
News Release. Friday, March 8, 2013. NIH study sheds light on role of climate in influenza transmission. Two types of environmental conditions — cold-dry and humid-rainy — are associated with seasonal influenza epidemics, according to an epidemiological study led by researchers …
Clearing the Air – NIH News in Health
But other factors may also affect how easily viruses spread during cold weather. Certain viruses, including the flu, last longer in cold temperatures.
Flu Virus Fortified In Colder Weather – National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Tardigrades For Biostasis, AKA Hibernation for Depopulation

I bet you did not know Tartrigrades were part of the bioeconomy?
Now they will apply the freezing stress to check the Evolutionary Experiment, the resiliency of the new bioeconomy, and slipping life into a deep-freeze Biostasis?
Researchers can trigger the Tardigrade to go into a fetal position, or curl up, called a “tun”. Is that what we will do during this FOG and COLD Event?
Yes! You have been SynBio’d in a huge anti-freezing experiment! Your proteins were mixed with Tartrigrades, Little Water Bears.
Now they will apply the freezing stress to check the Evolutionary Experiment, the resiliency of the new bioeconomy, and slipping life into a deep-freeze Biostasis?
Great Balls of Fire: Things are Unfolding Unexpectedly

I worked in the field, and I did not expect things to unfold the way that they are. Did you know that there was a time when 100 pound hailballs fell upon the earth and that they will return?
One thing that I know is true is that there is a parallel between the 10 plagues of the Exodus and what we see happening today, along with a dash of Genesis 6…the whole chimeric situation.
If you are interested, I wrote a piece in 2019 on The Great Balls of Fire. I know you are busy with New Years Eve, but you just might find the last part very interesting with what we have going on right now.
Unified Military Intelligence Picture Helping to Dispel the Fog of War

Insight program aims to bring real-time, integrated, multi-source intelligence to the battlefield (which is now the real world and the cyber world)
Sep 05, 2013
Military operations depend upon the unimpeded flow of accurate and relevant information to support timely decisions related to battle planning and execution. To address these needs, numerous intelligence systems and technologies have been developed over the past 20 years, but each of these typically provides only a partial picture of the battlefield, and integrating the information has proven to be burdensome and inefficient.
DARPA’s Insight program aims to take defense intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) to the next level by creating the capability to meaningfully integrate disparate “stovepiped” (silo) source information into a unified picture of the battlefield.
As DARPA’s capstone ISR processing program, Insight seeks to enable analysts to make sense of the huge volumes of intelligence-rich information available to them from existing sensors and data sources.
Automated behavioral learning and prediction algorithms would help analysts discover and identify potential threats, as well as make and confirm hypotheses about those threats’ potential behavior. The goal is a comprehensive operating picture in which expedient delivery of fused actionable intelligence would improve support of time-sensitive operations on the battlefield.
“We’re addressing the tyranny of stovepipes,” said Ben Cutler, DARPA program manager leading the Insight program. “Intelligence analysts currently use different systems for nearly every different data feed, and intelligence derived from these systems is not always readily understandable and accessible. Insight aims to create an adaptable, integrated system that augments human analysts’ capabilities to collect information from all available sources, learn from it, and share important insights with the people who need it most—all in real time.”
Improving real-time information sharing is a priority at the highest levels of the U.S. military. “Defense intelligence must be able to provide timely and actionable intelligence across the entire threat spectrum,” U.S. Army Lieutenant General Michael T. Flynn, Director of the U.S. Defense Department’s Defense Intelligence Agency, testified before the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee in April 2013.
Insight would enable analysts to collaborate on the fly via an intuitive user interface that speeds comprehension of complex information through state-of-the-art data visualization techniques. Under the hood, advanced automation and data fusion technologies would handle low-level analytical tasks and correlate incoming live data streams and forensic data. Insight’s scalable, modular architecture promises to reduce cost and accelerate delivery of tailored capabilities readily adapted to meet evolving mission needs in any theater of operation.
“Imagine PCs or smartphones without plug and play, without the rich, interactive environment we take for granted, without applications that share data and interact with each other,” Cutler said. “That’s how computers were until strong standards took hold. Our goal with Insight is to bring similar levels of capability and interoperability to ISR, with all the associated benefits to the defense mission.”
DARPA recently awarded BAE Systems, Inc. of Burlington, Mass., the prime contract for Phase 2 of the Insight program.
This Fog of War Includes Cognitive and Neuro Warfare
I will need to cover this vast topic another time.

LA Fires


Air Space Total Awareness for Rapid Tactical Execution (ASTARTE)

DARPA DEW Satellite Communications Projects


LCRD Needs a Base Station

LCRD’s are in Hawaii and California,” said Rick Butler, LCRD experiments manager at Goddard. “The historic rain and snowfall in Southern California this year provided us an opportunity to really understand the impacts of weather on signal availability. This also reinforced our understanding that more ground stations mean more options for signal availability.”


NASA missions are becoming more sophisticated needing the ability to gather and transmit large amounts of data to earth. To accommodate this need, NASA has transitioned to optical transmitters to address limitations of radio frequency (RF) communications, including: bandwidth, spectrum and overall size of frequency packages and power used.
While the population is fixated on 5-6G as their nemesis the Luciferian’s have shifted back to their original model of optical light and frequency.
Optical spectrum uses light as a means of transmitting information via lasers. Laser’s are increasingly weaponized, as in the case of DEW riding upon the beam of the laser.
Optical communications are being sold to the public as being faster, more secure, lighter and more flexible.
Optical communications challenges include a need for precise laser beam accuracy and must deal with Earth’s atmosphere interference, such as clouds. Thus this system requires a terrestrial anchor that will be discussed later in this series. The optical then creates a circuit of sorts, with the laser beam from the firmament tethering down to a specific anchor on earth.
Optical communications timelines began in the 2020’s, finalizing in 2023, with an operational timeline through 2026.
Within the context of NASA, optical communications technology sends data across space using lasers instead of radio frequencies. What we need to be researching and looking out for are the dangers of weaponized beam light.
Space Communications and Navigation (SCaN), space based weaponry, use optical transceivers both on the ground and in space to send and receive information using the optical spectrum through the implementation of signal modulation.
Within the context of NASA, optical communications technology sends data across space using lasers instead of radio frequencies. What we need to be researching and looking out for are the dangers of weaponized beam light.
Space Communications and Navigation (SCaN), space based weaponry, use optical transceivers both on the ground and in space to send and receive information using the optical spectrum through the implementation of signal modulation.
- 2021-2023: Near Earth Relay Technologies
- Laser Communications Relay Demonstration (LCRD) Optical Relay Demo (2021)
- 1.244 Gbps optical relay two ground stations
- Routing of optical signals in a hybrid environment (RF/optical)
- Launched December 7, 2021
- Integrated LCRD Low-Earth Orbit User Modem and Amplifier Terminal (ILLUMA-T) User Relay (2023)
- 1.244 Gbps user terminal
- LEO satellite acquisition and tracking in a GEO relay system- (LCRD)
- Space Station <==> LCRD <==> Earth
- NET January 2023
- Laser Communications Relay Demonstration (LCRD) Optical Relay Demo (2021)
- 2022: Near Earth Direct to Earth (DTE) Technologies
- TeraByte InfraRed Delivery (TBIRD): 200 Gbps Demo (2022)
- 100 Gbps user terminal; 100 Gbps low-cost ground station
- Space technologies based on commercial off the shelf (COTS) products. In my Whack-A Brain Webinar, I discuss COTS association with Direct Energy Weapons DEW) as well as their hackability.
- CubeSat-sized, low size, weight and power (SWAP) user terminal, user-site installable ground station
- Launched May 25, 2022
- TeraByte InfraRed Delivery (TBIRD): 200 Gbps Demo (2022)
- 2022: Deep Space DTE Technologies
- Discovery Psyche Demo
Please note that Psyche is the Greek goddess of the soul and often represented as a beautiful woman with butterfly wings. This is not coincidental as most technology is capturing the soul, as I discuss in my Soul Catcher Webinar.
The name Psyche means “soul” in Greek and was commonly referred to as such in Roman mythology as well, though direct translation is Anima (Latin word for “soul”). This was the theme for the 2023 Burning Man. She was born a mortal woman eventually granted immortality, with beauty that rivaled even Aphrodite, goddess of love. These days this love and passion is turned not to the opposite sex as originally intended but towards our technology.
- Space user terminal 125 Mbps at 40 Mkm range
- 5-meter optical ground station
- Deep space optical link
Operational Timeline
2023: ILLUMA-T: User Relay Technology Demonstration
2021: LCRD: Geosynchronous Earth Orbit (GEO) Relay Technology Demonstration
2022: TBIRD: 200 Gbps Low Earth Orbit (LEO) Direct to Earth (DTE) Near Earth Demonstration
2022: Psyche: Deep Space Technology Demonstration
Are the LA Fires, Paradise and Lahina fires natural or DEW?
Acoustic Weapons

DEW Module 4: Dr. Balaban on Acoustic Weaponry

DEW: Introduction to PRIMETIME! Hot War In Progress: Weapons of Mass Disruption

DEW Module 3: Dr. James Giordano on Acoustic, EMF Exposures, and Devices

DEW Module 5 : Geopolitical Ramifications of Direct Energy Weaponry

Laser DEW MicroExplosions in Your Brain

Tractor Beam Drawing Us into a Dystopian Dimension

DEW Module 2: Weaponry of Mass Disruption in Graphic Detail

Cloak & Dagger Invisible MetaMaterials

Optical Weapons

Weaponized Stardust of Most High Sending Terrorizing Shower of Judgment

Space Force Template to Change the World

Laser DEW MicroExplosions in Your Brain

DARPA’s Power Beaming Matrix of Death


Tractor Beam Drawing Us into a Dystopian Dimension

Cloak & Dagger Invisible MetaMaterials

The Illuminati’s Illuma-T Orion Artemis II

3D Nano Particles Editing YOU into a Reptilian

NASA’s Mission to Blanket the Earth with Lasers

CORONA is a Clandestine Global Military Takeover, Not a Virus

Ecological Social Justice Terror: The Nano Corona Affair

Will the Anti-Christ Call Down Fire From Heaven?
They are DEW. What does DEW do to people?
Will this land become SMART Cities?

No, in most cases. The US and other countries around the world are being rewilding most land back to its natural state minus humans.
High AI Strangeness
There was a wildfire in I town that I lived, in Seeley Lake, Mt. I tried to get information on the wildfire and of course having worked for the agencies, I knew how to get information. I could not get any information. This I knew, it was not an ordinary wildfire. There was a lot of strangeness.
This high strangeness is just like this North Carolina dnd the LA fires? I could tell you stories…. Maybe sometime we could have a story time on that one. What I found out that and I did an article on. It very detailed. It was impossible to publish due to technological difficulties.
What was different? This operation was run by Artificial Information AI. Yes, it had an Incident Commander but the lead was AI.
So just realize that AI is a big factor in this whole LA fires. In any event that’s going on across the United States, but specifically with the fires because having gone to that, it triggered my memory of this.
During the 2017 Seeley Lake, MT fire, the air was filled with smoke, making the air quality worse than in a major metropolitan city. The smoke was so thick that it was described as a “gray soup” and was considered “terrible” and “heartbreaking” by locals. The poor air quality was caused by the 34,000-acre wildfire burning on the fringe of the forest paradise, which attracted tourists to its lakes and mountains. The smoke was also hazardous, with air quality being “dangerous off-the-charts for a long, long time.”
- Smoke: The primary component in the air during the 2017 Seeley Lake fire, resulting from the massive wildfire.
- Particulate matter: Unspecified particles were present in the air, contributing to the poor air quality.
- Toxic fumes: Although not explicitly mentioned, it can be inferred that toxic fumes from the fire were also present in the air, posing a threat to the health and safety of people in the area.
It’s not just the smoke that you need to be concerned with. It’s not just the technology.
There are gases that they’ve been putting into the air. Artificial and synthetic, some are really nasty gases in the air.
They are spraying for invasive species at both the county, state, and federal levels. And those insecticides and herbicides they incinerate, go up and they do untold damage to the human body.
Just think of the household chemicals that went up in flames in that smoke. It is extremely dangerous.
Interest. I would not get those little masks that they’re showing you on, because they are a joke..
if you’re very serious about your health, either get out of the area or get a heavy duty respirator type mask.
Remember that the 9/11 firefighters, most of many, many died from cancer.01:38:39
And you don’t want that down the road. As a matter of fact, they started a five year survey of all the people that were exposed to the three months of smoke in Seeley Lake and I was among them. But I did not participate in it to see what happened to their health as a result.

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Celeste, you are an awesome watchman (lady). Our only hope is Salvation. The evil one can steal, kill and destroy our earthly bodies, but we can fortify our souls with the blood of The Lamb. Baruch Haba Bashem Yahuah. (Blessed is he (or she) who comes in The Name of Yahuah. That applies to you, Celeste dear sister. Shalom Shalom In Messiah, David Morgan
All glory belongs to God. I am one woman follow His instruction. God bless you! Celeste
I believe my husband got deathly I’ll from a cold dome, they are saying it’s influenza, I disagree.
Is there something or someone who I can connect with please, he won’t make it much longer and has opted out of being vented.
You are missing the whole of this knowledge – listen to 2 or 3 episodes of this gentleman, no matter what, and you will understand much more of what is going on… And no one will take this knowledge away from you…
h ttps://www.youtube.com/@DanaDurnford1/streams
I checked out the video streams. I have been reporting on the full scale of radiation in all its forms since the 2011 Fukushima incident, and even further, back to Chernobyl. Yhe information gathered and witnessed would curl your hair or lose it. The rabbit-hole goes very deep. For the most part, I do investigative articles, not short highly visual knowledge drops. They do have their place, but I am more of a chronicler of history of science and technology. You may want to check out some of my earlier work on radiation, although anything before Nov. 2016 disappeared the day my husband was killed. That is the way it rolls on the frontline.