Yes, yes, my friends…the weather is turning warmer and gardening season is around the corner. This means my mind and my heart drift towards the garden, even though a whirlwind of news surrounds us.

Have you ever pondered the thought that Quantum Physics may represent the biblical Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil?

Could it be that the Tree of Life is a metaphor for quantum-mechanical wave function—representing superposition of all possible states?

The Tree of Knowledge as measurement—causing the collapse of the wave function to a single definite state.

Paradise as Hilbert space—the domain of infinite potentiality!

The Primordial Serpent as humanity’s inherent aversion to uncertainty—driving the collapse of infinite potentiality into finite actuality.

The quantum mechanical wave function ψ (traditionally denoted as the Greek letter psi) provides a precise mathematical analog to these biblical concepts.

Just as the wave function represents a superposition of all possible states before measurement, the Tree of Life represents all potential “tastes” or experiences in their undifferentiated state-which is, by the way where we are heading.

This parallel extends beyond mere analogy when we consider the mathematical properties of wave functions in Hilbert space: -The wave function’s ability to exist in multiple states simultaneously (the state of superposition) corresponds to the inclusion of all possibilities (all possible tastes) in the Tree of Life; –

Wave functions are normalized to have the magnitude of 1-allegorically speaking, this parallels the Tree of Life’s unified nature that is rooted in the oneness of God; and –

Complex phases between superposed states are analogous to interrelationships between potential “tastes.”

One last thought. If you “thought” the governments and TPTB have not thought about harvesting your potential, think again. For decades they have been schemeing to tap your potential. It is not only for money and power, but to tap into your spiritual potential to reduce you and increase (their perception) as gods.

If you have some thoughts on this please leave a comment!

