Should FEMA Be Dismantled?
January 26, 2025

Some people have persistently trashed my affiliation with FEMA.  Let’s clear this up right now.

You would be shocked to know that there is a major Alt Media Influencer who I was in contact with me during my time with FEMA. This person knew my affiliation with FEMA.  For the purposes of confidentiality that person did not use my name, but my information was made public.

This person assisted me when I went Dark from the Agencies.  This Alt Media Influencer even hired a person to locate a safe place for me to begin a new life.

When I was being assaulted and battered by people discrediting my credibility, this person could have stepped up to the plate to verify my affiliation. Instead he chose instead to remain silent, for what reasons, I do not care to speculate.

For those naysayers who continually attempt to trash my reputation and affiliation with FEMA let me say this… I don’t care what you say or do…..

I am still here.  As smart as you profess to be, you apparently aren’t aware that it is a crime to impersonate Federal Personnel or for that matter any officer of the law.

If you don’t like my content, then get off my channel. Plain and Simple… While these naysayers hide behind false names, I on the other hand, do not.

You are the complete embodiment of Fake News.

Now For The Topic of the Day

President Trump announced on January 24th that he was thinking about dismantling FEMA.

Many people have contacted me wanting my thoughts on this issue.

Should FEMA Be Dismantled?

Oftentimes, the answer to this depends upon what side of a disaster you are viewing it from.

In times past, FEMA was awesome at disaster Preparedness, Response, Recovery, and Mitigation.  As the events came of September 11th, 2001  came into view these faded.

FEMA began shape-shifting more into a military and special operations agency serving to protect itself rather than the people to whom it was to serve.

Dismantling FEMA is a Wicked Problem

Dismantling FEMA would be very complex, and would be considered in my view, a Wicked Problem.  A wicked problem is a problem that is difficult or impossible to solve because of incomplete, contradictory, and changing requirements that are often difficult to recognize.

Moreover, because of complex interdependencies, the effort to solve one aspect of this problem may reveal or create other problems.

There IS a Necessity for Catastrophic Preparedness and Response

Why is Preparation of Americans for disaster critical in these catastrophic days?

We are at a cataclysmic flexure point in history as we careen towards multiple critical events.

The government is aware of this and has classified this information for years, while at the same time  prepared itself for survival and ignoring the people it was supposed to serve.

If you recall, Senate Bill S. 4488, also known as the Global Catastrophic Risk Management Act of 2022,  established an interagency committee to assess the risk of global catastrophes that could harm or destroy human civilization.

This proposed bill was passed to DHS, and did not go through proper channels with a Congressional vote but was implemented into Public Law.

The Link to this Bill can be found on in the article I published on September 14, 2024 Entitled The UN Obliterates Boundaries.


DHS/FEMA Bureaucracy Is A Nightmare

DHS is over FEMA creating a bureaucratic nightmare complete with extra Constitutional hooks. For an eye-watering parade you can view SF424B and go to the fine print.

FEMA has massive stand-alone programs under their umbrella including the occultic AmeriCorp.

This organization was created to serve corporate UNITED STATES immediately after September 11, 2001. This was ultimately why I left the Agencies.

The Purpose was to federalize all sectors and all peoples in the US as a quasi-slave population.

It also founded the newly formed FEMA TerraCorp on June 24, 2024 for the purpose of implementing the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals down to the local level.

Frankly, to kill a snake, you must cut off the head.

But when there are offspring entities similar to all the umbrella organizations and companies that came out of FEMA, it will return seven-fold, more ferocious than before.

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