Crystal Windows to the Brain

Fire From Heaven Series Crystal Skulls: Windows to the Brainby Celeste Solum November 21, 2023 In this article: One of the recent research thrusts in my research group aims at developing…

Oct. 4: The Great American Fear and Horror Show

by Celeste Solum September 30, 2023 LINK TO RUMBLE VIDEO  10-4-24, 10:14 AM CT:  FEMA UPDATE Yesterday, I received notice from DHS.  This will be a National Level Exercise for…

Biology & Culture by Design: Marxism, SynBio, and Sex

There is a sinister link between Synthetic Biology, Marxism,  normalizing of LGBT+plus “Digital” Communities and advanced weaponry.       Video      WEAPONIZED IDENTITY       Identity Theft is rampant around the world by nefarious…

Yellowstone about Ready to Blow? No.

by Celeste Solum August 08, 2023 This article is not produced by artificial intelligence  THE TRUTH BEHIND ECOTERRORIST MONETIZATION OF NATURE WHAT WOULD YOU BE WILLING TO PAY TO SEE THIS…