What Will Happen Next?

The Details

Disruptive effects incurred by deterrent intervention will last anywhere from 2 months to 10 years in duration until everyone complies or is depopulated.

There will be new demonic manifestations as a consequence of new portals and the UN Declaration.  This will include the construct embodiment and revelation of the Anti-Christ.

The fear of a recognized or unknown chemical/biological threat can significantly influence decision-making processes—and resultant political, economic, and military postures.

Ambiguity and uncertainty-There will be a plethora of misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation.  Due to the UN Pact for the Future you and be charged and or executed for spreading any of these.

There will be a plethora of low cost high impact operations that will impact the economy.

There will be a Triple Helix at play in many operations and dimensions.

Radical levelling will be employed for deterrence initiatives.  This means every facet of our life will be demolished with the Great Reset and all globalists plans operational.

TPTB intend to “change minds and hearts” by altering your will and capacity to fight .  They want you to bend the knee to the collective cognitive, emotional, and behavioral domain “masters.